as "fucked, completely fucked" in the wake of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's election and a looming Brexit. Stewart describes Picard as "me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, 'Why hasn't the federation changed? Why hasn't Starfleet changed? Maybe they're not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought." The expansive profile of Stewart explores the origin of Stewart's new take on Starfleet in the actor's childhood in a poor, working-class family, which informs his current political outlook. But Stewart's description suggests Picard's critique of the Star Trek utopia will go further than anything before.

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Star Trek: Picard won't be the first series to show how those values can be subverted-draconian admirals, political assassinations, rogue federation superweapons, body-snatching alien centipedes and even contemplated genocide have all tarnished the federation's image in past episodes. It is not a warlike society, though it does have a military wing: the peacekeeping and exploratory armada called Starfleet. The United Federation of Planets, founded in 2161, is a multi-planetary government, with numerous alien species living and exploring together within a system of universal liberty, where greed and consumerism are no longer the object of life and even currency is a rarity. It was a safe world of respect and communication and care and, sometimes, fun."

"In a way, the world of Next Generation had been too perfect and too protected," Stewart told Variety. "She's the end of all," one character says of the character Dahj in the trailer for "Star Trek: Picard." "She's the destroyer!" CBS All Access