Fixed a crash in Smooth Global Illumination while in interior mode on ARM Processors.Fixed memory issue when enabling motion blur on animated area lights.Fixed a Studio issue that could cause an incorrect Environment to load when reloading a scene.

Speed-up improvements when closing down KeyShot or creating a new scene.The DPI setting is now output to images as metadata.Keep HDRI Editor canvas on top of main window.Fixed an issue that caused a “Cannot load library” message to to appear in Network Rendering logs.Added support for export colors with folders.Added support for Parasolid V35, NX v2206.macOS Big Sur is the new minimum version.
Add landscape mode to PDF output for CMF.Added image attachments to Web Viewer uploads.Support labels and RAW passes via Scripting rendering settings.Improved load of materials when opening the Material Information Manager.Improved UV coordinates of primitive geometry.Added shortcuts to enable selection of a group or model by clicking on a part n the real-time view.The Color Profile of KeyShot will now be saved to rendered images.Added support for Multi-Layer EXR files.Added multi-selection to camera, environment and image style lists.Save material package through Scripting.Added an option to disable color profile conversion to textures.Added a Web Viewer button to the ribbon.Added ability to animate Textures using a Curve Fade animation node in the material graph.It is now possible to add existing properties of materials in the library, to the Material Information Schema in the Schema Editor.Made a fix to the texturing when exporting to GLTF and 3MF.Fix problem where the import of CVS colors would not work.Fix potential crash when deleting groups through livelinking while GPU mode is active.Fixed direct illumination of diffuse materials viewed through transparent materials in GPU Interior mode.Fixed rare crash when initializing GPU mode with IES lights visible in the realtime view.Fixed rare crash when using legacy texture mapping on ARM.Fixed issue with workspaces not being saved correctly on multi-screen setups.Fixed “Ignore Intersecting Geometry” in Gem material to be working again.Fixed usage of Axalta materials using scripting.Duplicating a part contained in a group now properly updates the Scene Tree.Fixed a crash when switching Material Type to Wireframe.Added preference option to adjust size of Move Tool gizmo.u3m import now sets the Color Composite node to the new Overlay mode, rather than the legacy Overlay mode. Improved the drawing distance of objects in the Geometry View.FBX export supports instancing from KeyShot.3D Paint now always draws stamp on first click.When outputting CMF to PDF format, allows the user to choose the maximum number of columns the table can contain before creating a new table with the remaining columns.Moved Depth of Field accordion above Stereo accordion in Camera Settings.Scripting: Import KMP (in addition to MTL) files using lux.importMaterials().Removed the warning when rendering to the PSD 32-bit format.Updated styling of buttons in Position texture widget.Brush Shape indicator is rotated correctly for 3D Paint with Follow Path enabled.Fixed issue with subscription when using background render.Users can upload scenes with multiple model sets, without the need to save them as configuration.Hotkeys for adjusting the 3D Paint Brush size while painting in the Real-time View.Added pen tablet with pressure sensitivity support for 3D Paint.Brush indicator will now be projected onto the object being painted.Angle now correctly reflect in brush indicator in 3D Paint.Color of Brush Shape indicator for 3D Paint is now content aware.Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1t due to security vulnerabilities.Updated FFMPEG to version 6.0 due to security vulnerabilities.KeyShotXR renders can now be attached to Web Viewer uploads, making the XRs viewable on the web.